Sunday, December 7, 2014

The Giver

            In chapters 5-8 Jonas is getting to his puberty age. What Jonas got were stirrings and that showed that he is growing and he need to tell to her parents about this and they gave him some pills so stirrings stop and this show me that in this community having feelings are considered bad and no one can have them. Then the big day of the ceremony finally come. He waited and watched each ritual pass until the twelves and the most important for Jonas came. The elders start telling each person their assignment and when Jonas turn came they skipped him and continue the ceremony. Then when they finish telling all the assignments they apologized with Jonas and tell him that he was selected. His assignment is going to be the new receiver of memories and for that he need to have many qualities and one special, to see beyond.

             In these chapters there were some very important quotes that tell of what the book is going to be about. One of this were on page 60 were they give the assignemnt to Jonas, "Jonas has not been assigned," she informed the crowd, and his heart sank. Then she went on. "Jonas has been selected." This quote really mean a lot and show us a very important change in the book, we`ve been waiting for this moment that Jonas get his assignment, this have been like what all the book has been about until this far. So this quote means that the selection is something more important than an assignment, and that he is doing an important thing that will help all the community. Also the selection is does`nt necessary a good thing, it can be bad and like Jonas is going to have a hard time learning to be the receiver of memories.

           As final thoughts, this book has been really interesting and it have called my attention. I like all the suspense they give so you want to keep reading and reading. What I can predict that will happen next is that Jonas is going to the trainment for being the new receiver of memories, like the book said he is going to have lot of painful things to do and he is going to try to give up and the actual receiver of memories is going to teach him things so he never give up. All of this teachings is going to make Jonas a very good receiver of memories and everybody is going to be proud of him.


1 comment:

  1. I liked your summary how it was brief and to the point not wasting too much detail on explaining things. I liked how use page numbers to be specific as possible so people can look it out for themselves what I though and realize this moment what I haven´t realize till now is that the whole story was mostly about the ceremony and how it affected Jonas and this particular moment build a lot of suspense.
